Researchers at University College London have demonstrated a graphene nanomentum that is highly hydrophilic, ultra-hydrophobic and low oil adhesion underwater.
Zinc sulfide is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula ZnS, which is a white or slightly yellow powder, which becomes darker when exposed to light.
The main difference between silicon carbide and boron carbide is that in silicon carbide one silicon atom bonds to one carbon atom, whereas in boron carbide four boron atoms bond to one carbon atom.
Boron carbide (B4C) is an extremely hard boron-carbon ceramic and covalent material used in tank armor, bulletproof vests, engine damage powder, and many industrial applications.
Molecular sieves are materials with holes of uniform size (very small holes). These pores are similar in size to small molecules, so large molecules cannot enter or be adsorbed, while smaller molecules can.