The latest news about nanomaterials|


  • Researchers at University College London have demonstrated a graphene nanomentum that is highly hydrophilic, ultra-hydrophobic and low oil adhesion underwater. 


    In this work, the researchers took a natural inspiration for the manufacture of high-performance graphene membranes to perform tricky oil/water separation -- even in stable emulsions. They demonstrated the impressive water permeability of graphene nanomentum over a wide pH range and at a very low transmembrane pressure difference. 


    The researchers explain that they used chitosan-functionalized graphene nanomentum to achieve this superior water flow rate and very high selectivity, resulting in a water recovery of 98.7%. The chitosan repels contaminants on the surface of the membrane, and the nanonet reduces the path length of the water molecules, which quickly travel along and through the graphene layer covered with nanopores. 


    The team says its nature-inspired Chemical Engineering (NICE) approach and its systematic nature-inspired solution approach allow fundamental mechanisms that support desired properties in natural systems -- such as scalability, efficiency and resilience -- to be used in engineering applications. "We have demonstrated the success of this approach in fuel cells, sustainable manufacturing, medical engineering applications and more."


    The researchers were inspired for this work by the structure of cell membranes, specifically aquaporins. Aquaporins are proteins embedded in cell walls that act as biological channels. They keep cells alive by selectively regulating the flow of water, gases, ions, and other solutes in and out of cells in a way that is unmatched by anything made by humans. The reason aquaporins are so efficient is that their channel walls repel water (i.e. they are hydrophobic), and they are very narrow, with subnanometer diameters. This narrowing forces water through the channel in a single line at a staggering rate of 3 billion water molecules per second. 


    Inspired by nature's elegant and efficient designs, the team created nanonets by introducing "nanopores" through graphene oxide sheets. These nanopores reduce the distance water must travel across the membrane and also benefit from sliding along the graphene nanosheet. Combined with the low friction between the graphene nanosheets and water molecules, this results in a high permeability of almost 4000Lm(-- 2)h(-- 1)bar(-- 1), approximately 260 times that of the GO film. 


    Scaling is an inevitable problem in membrane separation. The pores of the membrane will be blocked, which prevents the flow and prevents the membrane from working properly.  Scaling is a particularly serious problem for oil separation technology because oil droplets adhere easily to film surfaces. 


    In this case, nature also provided inspiration. Because hydrophilic and charged groups form a hydration layer on the membrane, the cell membrane has a natural antifouling mechanism. Chitosan with similar functional hydroxyl and amino groups has been proposed to functionalize surfaces to prevent fouling. 


    Putting these ideas together, the researchers modified the graphene nanonets using chitosan with hydrophilic hydroxyl and amino groups to increase their hydrophilicity and induce the formation of an antifouling hydration layer on the membrane surface. 


    The next phase of this research work is to scale it up to larger membrane separation modules and test the long-term stability of the membrane in a variety of practical situations.  The researchers also plan to develop other methods to achieve the membrane's powerful, extensive anti-fouling properties.


    Graphene Powder Price

    The price is influenced by many factors including the supply and demand in the market, industry trends, economic activity, market sentiment, and unexpected events.

    If you are looking for the latest graphene powder price, you can send us your inquiry for a quote. (


    Graphene Powder Supplier

    RBOSCHCO is a trusted global chemical material supplier & manufacturer with over 12-year-experience in providing super high-quality chemicals and nanomaterials. The company export to many countries including the USA, Canada, Europe, UAE, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Turkey, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Brazil, Chile, Dubai, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, etc.

    As a leading nanotechnology development manufacturer, RBOSCHCO dominates the market. Our professional work team provides perfect solutions to help improve the efficiency of various industries, create value, and easily cope with various challenges.


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    Jun 17
  • What is zinc sulfide?

    Zinc sulfide is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula ZnS, which is a white or slightly yellow powder, which becomes darker when exposed to light. It is stable in dry air, and gradually oxidizes to zinc sulfate when placed in humid air for a long time or when it contains moisture. White or slightly yellow powder. It turns into crystals when burned in H2S gas. The α variant is a colorless hexagonal crystal with a density of 3.98g/cm3 and a melting point of 1700°C; Exist in sphalerite. Insoluble in water, soluble in acid. See the sun color darken.

    Zinc sulfide (ZnS) is a naturally occurring salt and a major source of zinc. It exists in two common crystalline forms (polymorphs): sphalerite ("sphalerite"), which has a cubic crystal structure and is the predominant form in nature.

    It will be converted into zinc sulfate when placed in humid air for a long time. It is generally derived from the action of hydrogen sulfide and zinc salt solution. If a small amount of Cu, Mn and Ag are added to the crystal ZnS as activators, they can emit different colors of fluorescence after being illuminated. For analytical reagents, coatings, paints, white and opaque glass, filling rubber, plastics, and for the preparation of phosphors.

    What is zinc sulphide used for?

    The most common use of zinc sulfide is as a pigment in paints, plastics and rubber. It can also be used as an analytical reagent, a matrix of phosphors, a photoconductor material; it can also be used in the manufacture of dyes, coatings, pigments, glass, and curing oil.

    About RBOSCHCO

    RBOSCHCO is a trusted global chemical material supplier & manufacturer with over 12 years experience in providing super high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. The company export to many countries, such as USA, Canada, Europe, UAE, South Africa, Tanzania,Kenya,Egypt,Nigeria,Cameroon,Uganda,Turkey,Mexico,Azerbaijan,Belgium,Cyprus,Czech Republic, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Dubai, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia,Germany, France, Italy, Portugal etc. As a leading nanotechnology development manufacturer, RBOSCHCO dominates the market. Our professional work team provides perfect solutions to help improve the efficiency of various industries, create value, and easily cope with various challenges. If you are looking for zinc sulphide, please send an email to:

    Jun 17
  • The main difference between silicon carbide and boron carbide is that in silicon carbide one silicon atom bonds to one carbon atom, whereas in boron carbide four boron atoms bond to one carbon atom. 

    Silicon carbide and boron carbide are carbon compounds. Both of these are very hard materials. They have different chemical and physical properties. 


    What is Silicon Carbide? 

    Silicon carbide is a semiconductor material made up of silicon and carbon atoms. The chemical formula of the compound is SiC. So, it has a silicon atom bonded to a carbon atom by a covalent bond. The material, also known as emery, is found in nature in the form of mossanite, an extremely rare mineral. Therefore, silicon carbide is mostly made as a synthetic material. 


    The molar mass of silicon carbide is 40g/mol. The material has a blue-black iridescence crystal structure, but is colorless in its pure form. The black color is due to the presence of iron as an impurity. Moreover, it is insoluble in water, but soluble in molten iron and lye.  However, we can find about 250 crystal types of silicon carbide. This compound shows polymorphism. Here, alpha silicon carbide is the most common and stable form. It forms at very high temperatures and has a hexagonal crystal structure. 


    Silicon carbide has many uses. Mainly used for abrasive and cutting tool production. It is also an important structural material. Such as composite armor, ceramic coating bulletproof vests, high-temperature kilns, etc. In addition, silicon carbide is used to make car parts and as a semiconductor material.


    What is Boron Carbide? 

    Boron carbide is an extremely hard material made of boron and carbon atoms. The chemical formula of this compound is B4C. So, it has four boron atoms bonded to one carbon atom. It is second only to diamond and cubic boron nitride in hardness. Therefore, it is also known as the "black diamond". 


    The molar mass of boron carbide is 55.25g/mol. It appears as a dark gray or black powder or crystal. It is insoluble in water. This material is known for its high hardness, high neutron absorption cross-section, and high stability to ionizing radiation. In addition, it has semiconductor properties. Therefore, the electronic properties of boron carbide are mainly hopping transport. In general, it is a P-type semiconductor. 


    Boron carbide is a synthetic material. It can be prepared by reducing boron trioxide to boron carbide in the presence of carbon. The reaction requires carbon or magnesium as a reducing agent.


    What is the Difference Between Silicon Carbide and Boron Carbide? 

    The main difference between silicon carbide and boron carbide is that in silicon carbide one silicon atom bonds to one carbon atom, whereas in boron carbide four boron atoms bond to one carbon atom. Silicon carbide is a blue-black crystal, while boron carbide is a dark gray or black crystal. 


    The following infographic summarizes the differences between silicon carbide and boron carbide.

     FireShot Capture 002 - 碳化硅和碳化硼的区别- 比较相似术语之间的差异 -

    SiC and B4C Price

    The price is influenced by many factors including the supply and demand in the market, industry trends, economic activity, market sentiment, and unexpected events.

    If you are looking for the latest SiC and B4C price, you can send us your inquiry for a quote. (


    SiC and B4C Supplier

    RBOSCHCO is a trusted global chemical material supplier & manufacturer with over 12-year-experience in providing super high-quality chemicals and nanomaterials. The company export to many countries including the USA, Canada, Europe, UAE, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Turkey, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Brazil, Chile, Dubai, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, etc.

    As a leading nanotechnology development manufacturer, RBOSCHCO dominates the market. Our professional work team provides perfect solutions to help improve the efficiency of various industries, create value, and easily cope with various challenges.


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    Jun 16
  • What is Boron Carbide B4C?

    Boron carbide (B4C) is an extremely hard boron-carbon ceramic and covalent material used in tank armor, bulletproof vests, engine damage powder, and many industrial applications. The Vickers hardness is greater than 30GPa, making it one of the hardest materials known, second only to CBN and diamond. 

    Boron carbide is considered to be a robust material with extremely high hardness (Mohs scale of approximately 9.5 to 9.75), high neutron absorption cross-sections (i.e. good shielding against neutrons), and stability to ionizing radiation and most chemicals. Its Vickers hardness (38GPa), elastic modulus (460GPa), and fracture toughness (3.5MPa·m(1/2)) are close to those of diamond (1150GPa and 5.3MPa·m(1/2)). 

    As of 2015, boron carbide is the third hardest substance known, after diamond and cubic boron nitride, earning it the nickname "black diamond".

    Boron carbide is a semiconductor whose electronic properties are mainly hopping transport.  Band gaps depend on composition and degree of order. The band gap is estimated at 2.09 eV, and there are several middle-band gap states that complicate the photoluminescence spectrum. The material is usually p-type. 


    What is Boron Carbide Used For? 

    Boron carbide is used in refractories because of its high melting point and thermal stability; Because of its extremely strong abrasion resistance, it is used as a grinding powder and coating; High hardness, low density, and excellent ballistic performance; It is commonly used as a neutron radiation absorber in nuclear applications. In addition, boron carbide is a high-temperature semiconductor that can potentially be used for new electronic applications.


    Specifically, boron carbide can be used as: 

    The padlock 

    Bulletproof deck for personal and vehicle 

    Sandblasting nozzle 

    High-pressure water jet cutting nozzle 

    Scratch-resistant and wear-resistant coating 

    Cutting tools and dies 


    Metal matrix composites 

    In the brake lining of a vehicle 

    Neutron absorber in a nuclear reactor 

    High energy fuel for solid fuel ramjets 


    Is Boron Carbide the Hardest? 

    Boron carbide has a Mohs hardness of between 9 and 10 and is one of the hardest synthetic substances known, second only to cubic boron nitride and diamond. 


    Can Boron Carbide Cut Diamond? 

    Due to its high hardness, boron carbide powder is used as an abrasive in polishing and grinding applications and also as a loose abrasive in cutting applications such as water jet cutting. It can also be used for dressing diamond tools.


    Boron Carbide B4C Price

    The price is influenced by many factors including the supply and demand in the market, industry trends, economic activity, market sentiment, and unexpected events.

    If you are looking for the latest B4C price, you can send us your inquiry for a quote. (


    Boron Carbide B4C Supplier

    RBOSCHCO is a trusted global chemical material supplier & manufacturer with over 12-year-experience in providing super high-quality chemicals and nanomaterials. The company export to many countries including the USA, Canada, Europe, UAE, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Turkey, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Brazil, Chile, Dubai, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, etc.

    As a leading nanotechnology development manufacturer, RBOSCHCO dominates the market. Our professional work team provides perfect solutions to help improve the efficiency of various industries, create value, and easily cope with various challenges.


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    Jun 15
  • What is metal silicon powder?

    Metal silicon powder is a powder state of metal silicon. Silicon has two allotropes, amorphous silicon and crystalline silicon. Amorphous silicon is a gray-black powder that is actually a microcrystal. Crystalline silicon has the crystal structure and semiconductor properties of diamond, with a melting point of 1410°C, a boiling point of 2355°C, a density of 2.32~2.34 g/cm3, a Mohs hardness of 7, and a brittleness.

    The main characteristics of metal silicon powder

    Chemical silicon refers to metallic silicon used in the production of organosilicon and polysilicon. From a global perspective, the consumption of metallurgical silicon is more than that of chemical silicon. However, with the continuous development of science and technology, chemical silicon has been widely used in the production of organic silicon and semiconductors, and is widely used in the production of organic silicon. Silicon monomer and polymer silicone oil, silicone rubber, silicone resin building anticorrosion, water repellent, etc. They have unique properties such as high temperature resistance, electrical insulation, radiation resistance, and waterproofing. Used in electrical, aviation, machinery, chemical, pharmaceutical, national defense, construction and other departments. As the core of integrated circuits, more than 95% of electronic components are made of semiconductor silicon, which is the backbone of the contemporary information industry.

    Amorphous silicon is chemically active and can burn violently in oxygen. It reacts with non-metals such as halogen, nitrogen and carbon at high temperature, and can also interact with metals such as magnesium, calcium and iron to form silicides. Amorphous silicon is almost insoluble in all inorganic and organic acids including hydrofluoric acid, but is soluble in mixed acids of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid. Concentrated sodium hydroxide solution can dissolve amorphous silicon and release hydrogen. Crystalline silicon is relatively inactive, it does not combine with oxygen even at high temperature, it is not soluble in any inorganic acid and organic acid, but it is soluble in mixed acids of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid and concentrated sodium hydroxide solution.

    About RBOSCHCO

    RBOSCHCO is a trusted global chemical material supplier & manufacturer with over 12 years experience in providing super high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. The company export to many countries, such as USA, Canada, Europe, UAE, South Africa, Tanzania,Kenya,Egypt,Nigeria,Cameroon,Uganda,Turkey,Mexico,Azerbaijan,Belgium,Cyprus,Czech Republic, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Dubai, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia,Germany, France, Italy, Portugal etc. As a leading nanotechnology development manufacturer, RBOSCHCO dominates the market. Our professional work team provides perfect solutions to help improve the efficiency of various industries, create value, and easily cope with various challenges. If you are looking for silicon metal, please send an email to:

    Jun 15
  • What are Molecular Sieves?

    Molecular sieves are materials with holes of uniform size (very small holes). These pores are similar in size to small molecules, so large molecules cannot enter or be adsorbed, while smaller molecules can. As the molecular mixture migrates through a fixed bed of porous semi-solid material called a sieve (or matrix), the components with the highest molecular weight (unable to enter the molecular pore) first leave the bed and then pass through successive smaller molecules. Some zeolites are used in size-exclusion chromatography, a separation technique that sorts molecules by their size. Other molecular sieves are used as desiccants (some examples include activated carbon and silica gel). 

    The pore size of the molecular sieve is measured in angstrom (A) or nanometer (nm).  According to IUPAC representation, the pore size of microporous materials is less than 2 nm (20 A), and that of macroporous materials is more than 50 nm (500 A). Thus, the mesoporous category is in the middle, with pore sizes ranging from 2 to 50 nm (20-500 A). 


    What are Molecular Sieves Used For? 

    Molecular sieves are commonly used in the petroleum industry, especially for drying airflow.  For example, in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry, the water content of the gas needs to be reduced to less than 1ppmv to prevent clogging caused by ice or methane clathrates. 

    In the laboratory, molecular sieves are used to dry solvents. Sieves have proven superior to traditional drying techniques, which typically use corrosive desiccant. 

    Under the term zeolite, molecular sieves are used in a wide range of catalytic applications.  They catalyze isomerization, alkylation, and epoxidation and are used in large-scale industrial processes, including hydrocracking and fluidization catalytic cracking. 

    They are also used to filter the air supply for breathing devices, such as those used by scuba divers and firefighters. In such applications, the air is supplied by an air compressor and passed through a cartridge filter, which is filled with molecular sieve and/or activated carbon, depending on the application, and is finally used to fill the breathing air tank.  This filter removes particulates from the breathable air supply and compressor exhaust products.


    Common types of molecular sieve: 

    3A molecular sieve: 

    The 3A molecular sieve does not adsorb molecules with diameters larger than 3 A. These molecular sieves are characterized by fast adsorption speed, frequent regeneration, good anti-breakage, and good anti-pollution. These features improve the efficiency and life of the sieve. 3A molecular sieve is a necessary desiccant for petroleum and chemical industry refining, polymerization, and chemical gas-liquid depth drying. 

    The 3A molecular sieve is used to dry a range of materials, such as ethanol, air, refrigerants, natural gas, and unsaturated hydrocarbons. The latter includes cracked gas, acetylene, ethylene, propylene, and butadiene. 

    The 3A molecular sieve is used to remove water from ethanol, which can then be used directly as a biofuel or indirectly to produce a variety of products, such as chemicals, food, medicines, and so on. Due to the formation of azeotropes with a concentration of about 95.6% (by weight), ordinary distillation cannot remove all water (unwanted byproducts in ethanol production) from the ethanol process stream, so molecular sieve beads are used to separate ethanol and water at the molecular level by the following method: Adsorbed water into the beads to allow ethanol to pass freely.  Once the beads are filled with water, the temperature or pressure can be controlled to release the water from the molecular sieve beads. 


    4A molecular sieve: 

    Drying solvent 

    4A molecular sieve is widely used in drying laboratory solvents. They can absorb water and other molecules with a critical diameter less than 4 A, such as NH3, H2S, SO2, CO2, etc. Widely used in liquid and gas drying, refining, and purification (such as the preparation of argon).


    Polyester additives 

    These molecular sieves are used as an aid to detergents because they can produce softened water through calcium ion exchange, removing and preventing dirt deposition.  They are widely used as a substitute for phosphorus. 4A molecular sieve plays an important role in substituting sodium tripolyphosphate as a detergent additive to reduce the impact of detergent on the environment. It can also be used as a soap-forming agent and toothpaste.


    Hazardous waste treatment 

    4A molecular sieve can purify ammonium ion, Pb2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ cationic substances sewage. Due to their high selectivity to NH4 +, they have been successfully applied in this field to combat channel eutrophication and other effects caused by excess ammonium ions. Due to industrial activities, a 4A molecular sieve is also used to remove heavy metal ions present in water. 


    5A molecular sieve: 

    5A molecular sieves are commonly used in the petroleum industry, especially in the purification of airflow and in chemical laboratories for the separation of compounds and drying of reaction starting materials. They contain tiny pores of precise and uniform size and are used primarily as adsorbents for gases and liquids. 

    The 5A molecular sieve is used to dry natural gas and desulphurize and decarbonize the gas. They can also be used to separate mixtures of oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen, as well as oleowax hydrocarbons, from branched and polycyclic hydrocarbons. 


    What is molecular sieve adsorbent? 

    The molecular sieve adsorbent is a crystalline aluminum silicate, known as zeolite. Its unique structure allows the water of the crystal to be removed, leaving a porous crystalline structure. These pores or cages have a high affinity for reabsorbing water or other polar molecules.


    Molecular Sieves Price

    The price is influenced by many factors including the supply and demand in the market, industry trends, economic activity, market sentiment, and unexpected events.

    If you are looking for the latest molecular sieves price, you can send us your inquiry for a quote. (


    Molecular Sieves Supplier

    RBOSCHCO is a trusted global chemical material supplier & manufacturer with over 12-year-experience in providing super high-quality chemicals and nanomaterials. The company export to many countries including the USA, Canada, Europe, UAE, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Turkey, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Brazil, Chile, Dubai, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, etc.

    As a leading nanotechnology development manufacturer, RBOSCHCO dominates the market. Our professional work team provides perfect solutions to help improve the efficiency of various industries, create value, and easily cope with various challenges.


    If you are looking for molecular sieves, please send an email. (

    Jun 14
  • What is a foam concrete foaming agent?

    Concrete foaming agent is an additive that can reduce the surface tension of the liquid and generate a large amount of uniform and stable foam by physical methods after being dissolved in water. It can be used to make foam concrete.

    What material is used for foamed concrete

    foaming agent

    It is mainly a kind of foamed concrete, and it is an active agent, which can polymerize the organic binder on the surface of the body, and it can even be carried out by foaming, and the foaming agent can be fully foamed.

    Portland cement

    This silicate is actually a relatively common material, and most of them on the market have a cement strength of 42.5.

    fly ash

    The materials selected are all first-class and second-class materials, and even under normal circumstances, they must meet the relevant standards.


    It is enough to meet the standard of water used for mixing and fusion of concrete.

    In general, the preparation of this foamed cement slurry needs to be used in addition to the above. For the pairing of the foaming agent of the concrete used, and even the process is more concerned. Even when mixing the cement slurry, it must be added to the mixer first, and then slowly mixed evenly, usually for no less than two minutes.

    And if you want to pour the foam into the cement slurry mixer, then the mixing time is probably about six minutes. If the cement foam slurry can be homogeneous after mixing, it means that the mixing requirements have been met. This high probability can also be used for the use of the wall, some simple wall painting and so on.

    About RBOSCHCO

    RBOSCHCO is a trusted global chemical material supplier & manufacturer with over 12 years experience in providing super high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. The company export to many countries, such as USA, Canada, Europe, UAE, South Africa, Tanzania,Kenya,Egypt,Nigeria,Cameroon,Uganda,Turkey,Mexico,Azerbaijan,Belgium,Cyprus,Czech Republic, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Dubai, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia,Germany, France, Italy, Portugal etc. As a leading nanotechnology development manufacturer, RBOSCHCO dominates the market. Our professional work team provides perfect solutions to help improve the efficiency of various industries, create value, and easily cope with various challenges. If you are looking for concrete foaming agent, please send an email to:

    Jun 14
  • What is Surfactant?

    Surfactant, also called surface-active agent, is a substance, such as a detergent, which, when added to a liquid, reduces the surface tension and thereby improves the spreadability and wettability of a surfactant. In dyeing textiles, surfactants help the dye to permeate the fabric evenly. They are used to disperse water-based suspensions of insoluble dyes and spices.

    Surface active molecules must be partially hydrophilic (water-soluble) and partially lipophilic (soluble in lipids or oils). It concentrates on the interface between the water body or droplet and the oil body or liposome and acts as an emulsifier or foaming agent.

    Other surfactants that are more oleophilic and less hydrophilic can be used as defoaming agents or demulsifiers. Some surfactants are fungicides, fungicides, and insecticides.

    Surfactants are used for corrosion inhibition, ore flotation, facilitating the flow of oil in porous rocks, and generating aerosols.


    What is a surfactant used for? 

    The surface-active agent in many practical applications and products such as detergents, wetting agents, dispersing agents, emulsifiers, foaming agents, and defoaming agents plays an important role, including detergent, fabric softener, soap, paint, oil, emulsion, adhesives, printing ink, wax antifogging, skiing, snowboarding, wax, recycled paper deinking, flotation, washing, and enzymatic process as well as a laxative. Agricultural chemicals are also used, such as herbicides (some), insecticides, biocides (disinfectants), and spermicides (nonoxynol-9). Personal care products such as cosmetics, shampoo, body wash, conditioner, and toothpaste. Surfactants are used in fire fighting and piping (liquid drag reducers). Basic surfactant polymers are used to make oil flow in Wells.


    What are common types of surfactants? 

    The hydrophilic head of each surfactant is charged. The charge can be negative, positive, or neutral. Surfactants are classified as anionic, nonionic, cationic, or amphoteric based on the charge of the hydrophilic head. 


    Anionic surfactant 

    Anionic surfactants have a negative charge at their hydrophilic end. A negative charge helps surfactant molecules lift and suspend dirt in micelles. Because of their ability to erode a wide range of dirt, anionic surfactants are often used in soaps and detergents. Anionic surfactants produce large amounts of foam when mixed. While anionic surfactants are great for lifting and suspending granular dirt, they are not as good at emulsifying oily dirt. 

    Sulfates, sulfonates, and gluconates are examples of anionic surfactants.


    Nonionic surfactant 

    Nonionic surfactants are neutral and do not have any charge at their hydrophilic ends.  Non-ionic surfactants are very good at emulsifying oil and are superior to anionic surfactants in removing organic dirt. Both are often used together to create dual-action, multi-purpose cleaners that not only lift and suspend granular dirt but also emulsify oily dirt. 

    Some non-ionic surfactants can be non-foaming or low foaming. This makes them ideal as an ingredient in low-foam detergents. 

    Nonionic surfactants have a unique property called turbidity points. Turbidity point The temperature at which the nonionic surfactant begins to separate from the cleaning solution is called phase separation. When this happens, the cleaning solution becomes cloudy.  This is considered the optimum temperature for detergency. For low foam detergent, the best detergency is at the turbidity point; For foam cleaners, the best detergency is either just below the cloud point or at the beginning of the cloud point. The stirring of the low-foaming detergent is sufficient to prevent phase separation. 

    The turbidity point temperature depends on the ratio of hydrophobic to hydrophilic parts of the nonionic surfactant. Some are at room temperature, while others are very high. Some non-ionic surfactants do not have turbidity points because they have a very high ratio of hydrophilic to hydrophobic parts. 

    Some common examples of nonionic surfactants include cotinamide, ethoxylates, and alkoxylates.


    Cationic surfactant 

    Cationic surfactants have a positive charge at their hydrophilic end. A positive charge makes them useful in antistatic products such as fabric softeners. Cationic surfactants also act as antibacterial agents and are therefore commonly used in disinfectants. 

    Cationic surfactants cannot be used with anionic surfactants. If positively charged cationic surfactants are mixed with negatively charged anionic surfactants, they fall out of the solution and are no longer effective. However, cationic and non-ionic surfactants are compatible.

    Some common examples of cationic surfactants include alkyl ammonium chloride. 


    Amphoteric surfactant 

    Amphoteric surfactants have double charges at their hydrophilic ends, both positive and negative. The double charges cancel each other out, producing a zero net charge, called a zwitterion. The pH of any given solution will determine how the amphoteric surfactant will react. In acidic solutions, amphoteric surfactants are positively charged and behave like cationic surfactants. In alkaline solutions, they generate negative charges, similar to anionic surfactants.

    Amphoteric surfactants are commonly used in personal care products, such as shampoos and cosmetics. Some examples of commonly used amphoteric surfactants are betaine and amine oxides.


    Surfactant Price

    The price is influenced by many factors including the supply and demand in the market, industry trends, economic activity, market sentiment, and unexpected events.

    If you are looking for the latest surfactant price, you can send us your inquiry for a quote. (


    Surfactant Supplier

    RBOSCHCO is a trusted global chemical material supplier & manufacturer with over 12-year-experience in providing super high-quality chemicals and nanomaterials. The company export to many countries including the USA, Canada, Europe, UAE, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Turkey, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Brazil, Chile, Dubai, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, etc.

    As a leading nanotechnology development manufacturer, RBOSCHCO dominates the market. Our professional work team provides perfect solutions to help improve the efficiency of various industries, create value, and easily cope with various challenges.


    If you are looking for surfactants, please send an email. (

    Jun 13
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