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(Using WS2 Oil Additive to Improve Engine Performance)
One of the most popular lubricants, WS2, is now available as an oil additive. It has been shown to be effective in improving engine performance. Whether you are a car owner or a trucker, you can benefit from using it.
WS2 is made from Tungsten Disulfide. These are tiny particles that can reduce friction and heat in your engine. The nanoparticles are usually between 80 and 120 nanometers in size. They are also non-toxic and ashless.
WS2 oil additive can be added to a variety of lubricants to improve its performance. Additive concentrations should be optimized at 5% oil volume. You can mix it with grease or add it to your engine oil.
Using nano-additive oils, such as WS2, GP, and WS2/GP, has been shown to improve the lubricating performance of the base oil. In addition to the reduction of friction, they are also effective in improving wear and load bearing capacity.
Depending on the type of oil, these additives can be found in different packaging types. Some are tube-type packages, while others come in standard lidded containers.
WS2 powder is also available. To mix the powder with oil, you will need a teaspoon. This is about 4.9 grams. When mixed with a little grease, the WS2 powder is added to the oil and grease to improve lubricity.
Besides improving lubrication, these additives are also effective in reducing corrosion and removing deposits. They can help increase the compression of your engine to decrease black smoke in diesel engines.
(Using WS2 Oil Additive to Improve Engine Performance)