How is metal powder made for 3D printing?


(How is metal powder made for 3D printing?)

3D printing metal powder is a material used in the manufacture of metal parts and devices. These metal particles are typically less than 20 microns in diameter. This type of metal powder has a number of advantages over other materials. They are suitable for 3D printing due to their low oxygen content and transmitting property.

The use of metal powder in 3D printing reduces the amount of waste and reduces the amount of raw materials used. Rather than using solid bulk materials, raw materials are added layer by layer and only used where they are needed. This allows the manufacturer control the density, making the final product lighter and more efficient.

Metal powders for 3D printing were created traditionally by condensing liquid metal flow into droplets and atomizing it. This method of metal powder preparation offers advantages such as high purity, fine particle size, and high spherical degree. It does have some disadvantages. First, metal powder can be more expensive and takes longer to prepare than other methods.

Other methods of producing metal powders include water atomisation and solid-state reduction. These methods are known to be cost-effective and efficient and are mainly used to produce steel powder, pre-alloy powder for oil bearing, and nickel-based magnetic material powder. However, it cannot meet the 3D printing requirements of sphericity and uniformity.

The metal powder can also be 3D printed to increase its strength and durability. Metal powders are usually made from metals that can withstand hostile environments. These "superalloys", which are also known as superalloys, have excellent strength, heat resistance and good surface stability. These metals are often used in high-performance applications.

Plasma atomization is another method that can be used to create metal powders. It produces metal powders with a high degree of traceability and is suitable for manufacturing high-quality parts. It also allows for high-volume production of metal powders. Lastly, it is able to produce more than 150kg of metal powder per day.

Another metal powder that can be used for 3D printing is titanium. While titanium is not a common metal, it has unique properties, such as high strength and low weight. It is also resistant to chemicals and heat. It is also biocompatible. There are two types of Titanium. Titanium 64 is the most popular.

Another important property of metal powders is particle size distribution. Manufacturers of additive manufacturing systems prefer metal powders with a specific particle size distribution. They can help you choose the right powder for your 3D printing requirements. This property can be measured by laser diffraction. A report usually includes a table or graph showing the particle sizes. Particle size distribution is one of the most important aspects of a metal powder, and it must be consistent throughout the process.


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(How is metal powder made for 3D printing?)

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